Sunday, July 26, 2009

I visited by parents recently and they showed me a photobook I had put together for them five years ago. It documented the year in photos, largely those of my son Bryson. This was my intro I wrote, more like a letter to my parents. I am sharing it because I think its sentiments are shared by all parents --

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times ... wait, aside for those moments necessitating various punishments -- most of them involving time spent alone silently contemplating why dad was being so mean -- the past year really was the best of times. It was the best Christmas ever, the best Easter ever, the best summer vacation ever, the best ... well, you certainly get the idea. And next year it will be the best of tmes, too, because somehow, my son finds new ways to enrich my life. There are days I wish there was a big red button on the wall labeled "Replay," and with one press I would be waking up that same morning, having no idea what was ahead. and enjoying anew a day so rich that I was compelled to live it again (and I know you two probably had thousands of days like that as Gary and I grew up). Within these 30-odd pages you will find just a fraction of the moments that made this year so special. From Christmas to Easter-egg hunts to wondrous vacations, this book cannot hope to capture the magic. But it does manage a pretty good reflection, one that will no doubt remind you of the joys of parenthood. And as you page through, remember yourselves as the young energetic parents of my childhood, the mom and dad that still fill my memories of the best Christmases ever, the best Easter mornings ever, the best summer vacations ever. Those days are as alive as ever, made even more vibrant by a 9-year-old boy who continues to be the best thing that happened to me. Enjoy, and thank you for being the best parents ever.

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