Thursday, June 12, 2008

So it wasn’t too long ago that California legalized marriage among gays, leading many people (you know who you are) to proclaim the end of civilization as we know it (and if anybody had a right to feel that way, it was Iraqis the moment Bush allegedly was elected president in 2000).

I still don’t get the opposition. How exactly does this affect someone to the point that they are willing to sign petition, hold protests and donate money to stop this thing at all costs? Now if they were to force gays to arm themselves and randomly shoot people who may or may not pose a threat, then I’d be a bit miffed. Then again, they’d be members of the US military in the mideast protecting our freedom, so it would be OK, right?

(Uh oh, that last throwaway line could be considered anti-patriotic, so to put minds at ease, I know thousands of our troops have died to defend your ability to affix those “Support Our Troops” magnets you place on your car to send the message to the magnet-free that their Anti-American policies won’t be tolerated in a free society.)

Anyway, gay marriage. What I see mostly from the opposition that how allowing homosexuals to marry will violate the “sanctity of marriage.”

Holy crap, are you kidding me? Divorce has been violating the sanctity of marriage for centuries. If you really want to defend the sanctity of marriage, abolish marriage because that’s the only way that particular institution will ever become virtuous.

I don’t say this merely because I am among the millions who are divorced. But those who think marriage is somehow inviolate to the forces of society are deluding themselves.

But if you are serious about keeping the sanctity of marriage, then you should turn your attention away from homosexuals and to the thousands of redneck hillbillies who each day wed in double-wide churches. In the presence of their various children, these people join in matrimony without a thought given to the number of ways they will burden the welfare system in years to come. Yes, they are a boon to the trailer industry, and their herds are regularly culled by tornadoes, but they will continue to inflict upon America generation after generation of beer-swilling NASCAR fans waiting to be laid off at the plant. Only when we ban this sort of marriage will be effectively cure West Virginia.

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