Sunday, May 07, 2006

The following conversation took place on May 6, 2006. The time: 7:17 p.m. The place: El Chorro Lodge, Phoenix, Arizona. The people: A woman named Cecilia who prefers to be called Cece, and a Somewhat Rational Human Being (me).

The conversation is written as recalled. Though alcohol was involved, memory of the conversation remains vivid because, well, see for yourself.

Cece: “Oh my god, did you just say illegal immigration?”

RHB: “Well, we mentioned it. It’s pretty much the topic of conversation now.”

“It’s so huge. And it’s so messed up. I can’t believe where this country is headed.”

“Yeah, it is a pretty big mess. It has to be addressed at some point, yet everyone wants to dance around it.”

“Exactly, and I don’t get it. The answer is so obvious. I mean, all you have to do is listen to the tadio. Like Hannity and Colmes. Why aren’t people paying attention?”

“I’ll admit I don’t spent a lot of time on talk radio, especially-“

“Well you should because they’ve figured it out and I totally agree. It’s what I’ve been saying all along and I just love hearing them talk about it. You get rid of the illegals. That’s it. End of story. You catch them, you ship them back to where they came from, and this country gets back to where it should be.”

“And how do you propose catching all these people, because there’s-“

“See, that’s just it. This country has become so weak. No one wants to tell it like it is anymore. No one wants to do what’s right because it may hurt some people. But it’s pretty obvious who the illegals are, it’s not like we have to hunt for them. They’re all over.”

“So what do you propose, just stop everyone and ask for papers, because there’s this thing we have called the Constitution.”

“Oh my god, that’s what someone always says, and it’s just such an excuse. The Constitution was written to protect Americans, not people who come here and get free health care and free schools and free everything. They are draining our counry.”

“I guess you would, what, put up checkpoints on the roads and check everyone?”

“Sure, if that’s what it took.”

“Then there’s a problem with illegal search and seizure. The Constitution protects us from that, saying specifically the police or whoever can’t go around stopping people unless there is probably cause.”

“They can stop me anytime, I have no problem with that. Especially if it meant they’d catch more illegals and ship them back, or put them in prison.”

“If you put them in prison, they’d wind up costing taxpayers more than they do now, and they wouldn’t be able to pay taxes at all, which most do.”

“Look, that’s beside the point. Ship them home, prison, whatever. Just deal with them because they shouldn’t be here. Like Sheriff Joe is doing, go round them up and throw them in jail. He has the right idea.”

“If Sheriff Joe knocks on your door and asks you if you were illegal, that’d be OK?”

“Of course.”

“What if he demanded papers to prove it?”

“He should. And I’d show him and that’d be that.”

“But a lot people don’t have those papers lying around.”

“All it would be is a birth certificate, passport, anything. Everyone has those.”

“I’d disagree, and I don’t want someone knocking on my door asking for my ID. I’d ask them why they were there, and then slam the door in their face.”

“Then that just means you have something to hide.”

“No, it means I believe in our Constitutional rights.”

“Oh, that again. If we had the guts to do what’s really right, we wouldn’t have this problem. Because we need to be honest here.”

“How so?”

“Of course they wouldn’t go around knocking on everyone’s door. Just the people who are pretty obviously illegal.”

“Oh, you mean Mexicans. That’s racial profiling.”

“Not just Mexicans. Brazilians, Latin Americans, wherever they’re from. And it’s not profiling, it’s dealing with the obvious.”

“How is it obvious?”

“If they don’t speak English, if all they know is Spanish. People who are here legally learn English. If you’re going to spend any time in this country, you learn English. You only speak Spanish, it’s pretty obvious.”

“You propose going out on the streets, stopping everyone who looks, what, like a Latin American, and see if they speak English. And if they don’t, your arrest them.”

“That’s it. And this country is too gutless to do that.”

“And you don’t think the Constitution has anything to do with it.”

“Please, we’ve been there. Illegals don’t deserve that kind of protection anymore than they deserve to be here taking advantage of the things that should be for Americans only.”

“What if it turns out someone arrested is here legally?”

“Then you let them go and tell them they need to carry proof wherever they go.”

“Well, why not just make this a police state? Anyone can be stopped for anything, and if you’re arrested you have to prove your innocence?”

“That works for me.”



“So if there aren’t enough police, we should bring in the militia. Establish curfews. Monitor everyone at all times.”

“I, for one, wouldn’t have a problem with that. It would make this nation strong again like we were after World War II, when people respected and feared us and other countries couldn’t do whatever they wanted because they’d have to reckon with us later.”

“Wow, I don’t even know what to say to that. Except that I have to go to the bathroom.”

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