A conversation that occurred during an official conference-room meeting that proves once and for all we will never be the subject of a reality show—
“The new Star Wars move is opening on, I don’t know. Like, in a couple of weeks.”
“Yeah, on a Thursday.”
“Thursday? What’s up with that?”
“I just love Boba Fett.”
“Boba Fett. You know, the bounty hunter.”
“He was pretty cool. Remember how he died?”
“He was swept into some sand creature, that thing where all youl could see was is mouth coming out.”
“For a cool character, he deserved a lot better death than that. It kinda sucked the way he went.”
“I had a tree frog named Boba Fett.”
“A tree frog.”
“Yeah, a tree frog.”
“For a pet?”
“Yeah, but I didn’t have him for long.”
“Was he eaten by a sand creat-“
”So what happened to him?”
“It wasn’t really working out so I took him back to the pet store. Only –“
“Isn’t the real question here, ‘Why did you have a tree frog for a pet?’”
“-there was this older woman in there and she saw Boba Fett. She asked me if he was sick, if that’s why I was taking him there, and I told her I didn’t want him anymore.”
“Kinda tough to bond with a tree frog?”
“And she goes, ‘If you don’t mind, I’d like to take him.’ So I handed him over. I don’t know what happened to him after that.”
“Did you think, like, ‘How weird’ when Star Wars came out and one of the characters was named after your tree frog?”
“You know, you named this frog Boba Fett and, you know. The movie.“
“No, I named him after the character.”
(suppressed laughter)
“Oh, right.”
“I love saying it. Boba Fett. BO-ba FETT. Boba Fett. That is so cool. Boba Fett. Boba boba boba boba boba Fett. See?”
“OK, so, where were we?”