Thursday, June 03, 2004

Welcome to the first of an occasional series of Stuff That Really Bugs Me.

Coming home today from work. I am in the left lane, no cars between me and the next light in about a quarter mile. In the right lane is a Jag, windows so darkly tinted I can only assume someone is in the driver's seat. But what do you know, I'm wrong as the Jag slowly cruises over into my lane about a foot (seriously, no more than 12 inches) off my front bumper. No signal, just a cruise over because, as you know, those who drive Jags also own the road. It's right there in the owner's manual. Under the header, "Since you pay as much for yearly insurance as most people pay for their entire car, all asphalt within five miles of your car is yours so use it as you wish with disregard to laws and others."

Now the question is, do I honk? I had to slow down as soon as I saw the alleged driver make a move and saw he was going to make it over without contact. I was ready for him, knowing his ownership of the pavement. If I honked, he may have tapped his brakes out of sheer instinct learned during the days he did not own a Jag and with it the road. If he tapped his brakes I could have tapped his bumper, the noise of which would be heard by every Jag mechanic within 10 miles (though since we were in Mesa, I doubt there were any within 10 miles). And that Jag mechanic would be in the market for a fourth boat. And since the cops would arrive, note that it was a Jag, point out to me just how much of the road the alleged drive owned, I would not only be ticketed, but be responsible for repairs, and there goes my kid's college education fund. So instead I merely screamed at him, shaking my fist like an old codger, and wondered how much I was withdrawing from the Karma bank for venting my fury at someone who owned the kind of vehicle that entitled them to the right of way wherever, whenever. Of course, I silently hoped that within the next mile, said Jag would be T-boned buy a Hummer, which also owns the road and is way bigger.

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